Friday, December 12, 2008

Yasugi Bushi, Dojou Sukui.

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This is the manhole cover from the town of Yasugi, east of Matsue in Shimane. It shows a dancer dancing the Dojou Sukui. Doujo are small eel-like fish and the dance involves scooping with a basket.

The song accompanying the dance is the Yasugi Bushi, the local folk song that is now known throughout Japan since recordings of it were made in the early 20th century. It is considered one of the most difficult of all Japanese folk songs to sing.



  1. Thanks for the info, always was curious what that dance was at parties where people had a bit too much :)

    still.. why this dance ?

  2. Every village or town has their own dance. This one is specific to Yasugi, and catching the fish with a basket is traditioinal to this area. Most of the dances around Japan look and sound awfully similar to me :)
