Friday, April 16, 2010

Shimonoseki Kaikyokan


Shimonoseki Kaikyokan is the big, new aquarium located right on the seafront in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture.


It was designed by the Nikken Sekkei Company who also designed our local aquarium, Aquas.

Whereas the design of Aquas was based on the shark form, Kaikyokan is supposedly based on the whale form.


The entrance foyer has a huge whale skeleton on display. (Nearby at the fish market you can by whale steaks)

Many of Japan's whaling fleet are based in Shimonoseki. Ooops... I mean of course Japan's "research" fleet.


By all accounts the aquarium has good displays, but at 1,800yen for entrance, the short time I had as I passed through Shimonoseki meant I didn't go in.


They do have a big display of Fugu.


  1. Great composition... nice play on textures. I have to say you have a great eye for finding the perfect photo ops.

    1800 yen for admission - that's steep. My experience is that Japan is generally much cheaper (than here in Adelaide that is) for admission into exhibits, but this is super expensive. I would want a free whale steak and shake to go for that price.

  2. Impressive scull photo!
    On the very first picture you can see this white disc looks like a moon, and reflection of the bridge in lower corner of the building -love it.
    Thank you for my daily fix :)
