Monday, August 5, 2024

Chinzeikoyasan Kongoji Temple 105 Kyushu pilgrimage


I initially walked passed Kongoji as I wasn't really paying attention. I was looking for a typical temple building and didn't notice the 5-colored banner. The building looks just like a fairly modern large house.

However, through the gate and into the area behind the house it becomes more like a temple.

Temple 105 of the 108 temple Shingon Kyushu Pilgrimage is located on the bank of the Kyuragi River in the mountains of Saga, near to Iwaya JR station.

The temple traces its origin to 1897 when a hall was built to house a statue of Chike Daishi. I have no idea exactly who or what this deity is, though it is known locally as Yakuyoke Senta Daishi.

It was a statue that guarded the castle belonging to the Tsuruta Clan on the mountain behind the temple 

There is a new Daishi Hall, several outdoor altars, and a small shrine in the grounds.

The previous post documenting day 72 of my walk was the nearby Konpira Shrine.


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