Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Daihoji Temple 44 Sasaguri Pilgrimage


Daihoji, the 44th temple on the Sasaguri Pilgrimage is a Koyasan Shingon sect temple located just below Narufuchi Dam.

It was previously known as Narufuchi Kannon-do, and was relocated to its current location in 1993 because of the construction of the dam.

The honzon of the temple is an 11-faced Kannon, seen in photo 5.

As with all the temples on this short pilgrimage, the smallish temples still have a lot of statuary on display. Above is a statue of En no Gyoja, the legendary founder of Shugendo.

There were several Fudo Myo's, including this one that looks quite youthful.

The last two photos are of a Bato Kannon, I think, on horseback, and an unusual Bishamonten looking like Santa...

The previous post was on Narufuchi Dam.


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