Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Pine Gardens of the Takatori Mansion


Takatori Koreyoshi (1850-1927) is described as a coal baron as he ran the successfil Kishima coal mine.

In 1904 he built a big residence near the beach in Karatsu. It was enlarged in early Showa.

Externally and internally the mansion combines elements of both Japanese and Western architectural styles and features.

Karatsu City bought the property and opened it to the public. In 1998 it was registered as an Important Cultural Property.

I didn't pay the entry fee to tour the interior, but photos I'v since seen look interesting. I did however wander the rather extensive grounds.

The dominant planting was pine trees and was fairly open.

However there does appear to be a courtyard garden in the middle of the main buildings, and another garden hidden away by fences that seems to have a small pond.

I suspect that viewed from inside the buikdings the gardens would be quite appealing.

The previous post in thise series exploring Karatsu was on the nearby Uzumemon no Yakata samurai-style building.


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