Sunday, September 1, 2024

Uzumemon no Yakata Karatsu


While walking in central Karatsu I came across Uzememon no Yakata and as it had free entry went inside.

It is a type of community centre for local people to have classes in various traditional Japanese arts and crafts.

Subjects such as Tea Ceremony, Ikebana, various types of music and dance and also Noh theatre.

The building is built in the style of a fairly high-ranking samurai residence.

It is not actually a reconstruction or rebuilding of an actual building that existed though.

Most visitors think it is though.

There is a minimal style garden around the building with Black Pine and Maples.

I visited on day 73 of my first walk around Kyushu. The previous post was on the huge floats of the Karatsu Kunchi Festival.

1 comment:

  1. I'd be inspired to learn whatever is taught there. What an environment.
