Showing posts with label daizuiku bosatsu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daizuiku bosatsu. Show all posts

Friday, September 20, 2024

Shinkoin Temple 106 Kyushu Pilgrimage


ShinkoinTemple has an elegant, wooden main hall, though being a fairly modern temple.

It is situated directly on the coast of Fukuoka in the area known as Itoshima.

The temple moved here recently in 1989, prior to that it was in Fukuoka City, and prior to that it was in Sasaguri, where it was founded in the Taisho Period (1912-1926)

The honzon of the temple is an unusual one that don't remember ever hearing about before, Daizuiku Bosatsu.

Unusual in being a female Buddhist deity, as is often, with roots in Hinduism. Known for offering protection and for granting the wishes of all. Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto and Ishiteji Temple in Osaka, both have statues of her.

There is also a Wave-Citting Fudo Myo enshrined along with the other four Myoo.

There are several small sone Fudo's in the grounds as well.

There are several shrines in the grounds including the temple guardian, Kiyotaki Daigongen, and also an Otsuna Daimyojin. The grounds have some nice landscaping and gardens.

The previous post was on Kumonohara Shrine in Karatsu.