Showing posts with label fukuoka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fukuoka. Show all posts

Friday, January 3, 2025

Unome Inari Atago Inari Shrine


For those who follow this blog, I'd like to wish you all the best for the new year, and thanks for visiting.

On top of Mount Atago in Fukuoka, within the grounds of the Washio Atago Shrine, is an Inari Shrine.

I can find almost no info on the shrine other than it is a branch of the head Inari Shrine in Japan, Fushimi Inari near Kyoto. Shrines will get their "divided spirit", bunrei, usually, but not always from the head shrine.  More Hachiman shrines got their bunrei from Iwashimizu Hachimangu rather than the head shrine at Usa, indicating that specific local versions of kami, and Buddhas,  may be considered to have more power or other attributes.

This Inari shrine also has numerous smaller Inari shrines within it, something quite common to Inari shrine. This again indicates that the universality of kami and Buddhas is not absolute. each Inari shrine will be for a particular, local, manifestation of an Inari.

This was the last stop of my epic 77 day walk around Kyushu on the Kyushu Pilgrimage. From here I headed to the station and headed home. I did the walk in about 8 legs, spread over about 15 months. I passed through all of the prefectures of Kyushu and walked during all 4 seasons, though I was mostly able to avoid too much bad weather by fortuitous timing.

In total I have posted about 560 posts on this particular pilgrimage. Because of the structure of Blogger they can be seen and read in reverse chronological order by clicking the Kyushu108 tag at the bottom of the post.

In theory I could do a page where I list all the links in chronological order, but that would take a lot of work and, quite frankly, I don't have enough readers to make it a priority. I have been posting Kyushu Pilgrimage posts about every other post, so from now on I will do the same for my Chugoku Pilgrimage posts, that is to say, every other post will be a Chugoku post. The posts in between I will continue to post on the other pilgrimages... Shikoku, Shikoku Fudo Myo, Shodoshima, Saigoku, Iwami, Kinki Fudo, Kyushu Fudo, and Sasaguri as well as the other series like the Japan Sea Coast.

In the Kyushu Fudo Myo Pilgrimage walk I at times follow the same route as this pilgrimage but at others venture to different places via different routes.

The previous post was on the views from Mount Atago.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Views from Fukuoka Mount Atago


Mount Atago, in the southern part of Fukuoka City, is only 68 meters high, so it would be a hill in English.

It was named Mount Arago after an Atago Shrine was established here in the Edo Period by the local daimyo.

However it is the only high point in the area and so offers nice views over the city and surrounding area, especially at night.

The most obvious landmark is the New Fukuoka Tower just across the river.

There are also nice views to the south over the Itoshima area and to the SE down the coast towards Karatsu.

The previous post was on the Atago Shrine on top of the mountain.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Hozo-in Temple 84 Kyushu Pilgrimage


Temple 84 was hard to find as it is in a built up area and accessible via a narrow lane. It ios located on the old Karatsu Kaido in Meinohama.

It was founded in the early Showa Period, so probably before WWII.

The founder worked as a follower of the abbot of the famous Daikakuji Temple in Kyoto and was apparently "awarded" the chrysanthemum seal carved in the gates.

Interestingly it was the third head priest who envisaged the Kyushu Pilgrimage and did all the work finding the 108 sites around Kyushu connected to Kobo Daishi.

The honzon is an Eleven-faced Kannon, and being only a small place has a wide range of diverse statuary in the small grounds.

This was the final day of my 77 day walk along the pilgrimage and just needed this short ten kilometers section through Mrinohama to finish. The previous post was on temple 108 I visited yesterday.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Chinkokuji Okunoin Temple 108 Kyushu Pilgrimage


Up a flight of steps overlooking the main temple grounds is the okunoin of Chinkokuji Temple, the cave where Kobo Daishi performed rituals after returning from China in 806.

I reached it on Friday, March 28th, 2014, the 76th day of walking along the longest pilgrimage route in Japan, and I would guess somewhat over 2,200 kilometers.

I started on Christmas Day in 2012, and so it has taken me just about 15 months, usually in 2 week segments to finish it.

BUT!!!!!... on yesterdays walk I missed the last ten kilometers as I came into Fukuoka City from the south, and that includes two pilgrimage temples, so tomorrow I must go and do that section.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Chinkokuji Temple 88 Kyushu Pilgrimage


Chinkokuji, the 88th temple on the Shingon Kyushu Pilgrimage lies just across the river from the Munakata Taisha shrine in northern Fukuoka.

In fact, it was the shrine temple of Munakata Taisha back when shrines and temples were intertwined.

According to the legend, Kobo Diashi visited Munakata Taisha and prayed for a safe journey to China, so when he returned in 806 he visited Munakata Taisha again.

While here a cloud formation over Mount Byobu attracted him across the river and he performed rituals in the cave that is the okunoin of the temple now.

He is also said to have carved the secret Fudo Myo statue that is now enshrined in the Goma Hall.

Three statues were carved an enshrined at some point, a Dainichi, a Shaka, and a Yakushi. I am guessing these coresponded to the three kami of Munakata Taishi.

The main hall now has five statues, as well as the original three there is an Amida and a Kannon.

All 5 are registered as Important Cultural Properties.

The Goma Hall is the oldest building at Chinkokuji, dating back to 1650.

I visited while the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, but I visited again on day 44 of the Kyushu Fudo Myo Pilgrimage in the autumn and it was splendid in Fall foliage. I took a lot more photos then, including the statues in the main hall.

This was the final temple of this more than 2,000 Kilometer pilgrimage, though technically the Okunoin at the top of the hill is number 108. I post on that next.

Chinkokuji has a reputation as a "flower temple", because as well as the chetry blossoms and the autumn foliage, there are also plum blossoms,azaleas, lillies, and lotus blossoms, hydrangeas, and rhododendrums.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Munakata Taisha


I passed through the grounds of Munakata Taisha on my way to the final temple on the Kyushu Pilgrimage.

I entered through the rear entrance and passed by the Second Shrine and Third Shrine housed in structures that were relocated here from the rebuilding of Ise Shrine in 1973.

Munakata Taisha is actually three different shrines, the biggest here on the mainland is Hetsu-gu, with the Nakatsu-gu just offshore on Oshima, and the third, Okitsu-gu located 50k away on the small island of Okinoshima.

These second and third shrines were established to make it easy for people to visit all three without having to make a ferry crossing, and also because the Okitsu-guis is an uninhabited island where women are not allowed.

The three kami are sisters, Ichikishimahime, the youngest, here, Tagitsuhime on Oshima, and Tagorihime, the oldest, on Okinoshima.

Ichikishimahime is the primary kami of the famous Itsukushima Shrine and its branches.

The three sisters were created by the siblings Susano and Amaterasu. The male children created were attributed to Amaterasu and include the mythical lineage of the imperial family. The three females were given to Susano, though some with a nationalistic bent claim them also for Amaterasu, forgetting that to do so would put the imperial lineage under Susano....

The three shrines and islands were very important in trade and travel between Japan and Asia, and the three sisters are usually considered protectors of maritime journeys.

The rituals that were conducted on Okinoshima between the 4th and 9th centuries have left a wealth of archeological treasures, sone of which can be seen in the museum here.

It has also led to Okinoshima being registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The ancient Munakata Clan were obviously powerful players in the introduction of technology and culture from the Korean Peninsula and mainland China.

On this visit I was in a hurry so didn't visit the main shrine compound, rather enjoyed the cherry blossoms around the pond at the entrance.

The previous post was on Munakata Kannonji Temple.