Friday, September 20, 2024

Shinkoin Temple 106 Kyushu Pilgrimage


ShinkoinTemple has an elegant, wooden main hall, though being a fairly modern temple.

It is situated directly on the coast of Fukuoka in the area known as Itoshima.

The temple moved here recently in 1989, prior to that it was in Fukuoka City, and prior to that it was in Sasaguri, where it was founded in the Taisho Period (1912-1926)

The honzon of the temple is an unusual one that don't remember ever hearing about before, Daizuiku Bosatsu.

Unusual in being a female Buddhist deity, as is often, with roots in Hinduism. Known for offering protection and for granting the wishes of all. Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto and Ishiteji Temple in Osaka, both have statues of her.

There is also a Wave-Citting Fudo Myo enshrined along with the other four Myoo.

There are several small sone Fudo's in the grounds as well.

There are several shrines in the grounds including the temple guardian, Kiyotaki Daigongen, and also an Otsuna Daimyojin. The grounds have some nice landscaping and gardens.

The previous post was on Kumonohara Shrine in Karatsu.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Art of Hashikuraji Temple


Hashikuraji is a mountain temple in the mountains that border Tokushima and Kagawa on Shikoku.

It was the "inner temple" of Konpira-san, once a major pilgrimage destination in its own right, and since Meiji Konpira became a shrine.

While not all temples have komainu guardian statues, Kashikuraji has quite a few. It also has several shinto torii gates. The top photo is the older type of komainu, wooden and kept indoors.

There are also plenty of carvings adorning the buildings at Hashikuraji. In fact when I was there I noticed free worksheets for kids available at the temple that encouraged kids to explore and find all the examples of animals, including mythical ones, at the temple.

Hashikuraji was a major centre for Shugendo and yamabushi and so has a pair of big wooden Tengu masks.

As is fairly typical, there was a pair, one of the long-nosed Tengu, and one of the Karasu Tengu with beak;

The honzon of the temple is a Konpira Daigongen, though it is a secret buddha and the last four generations of head priest have not even seen it.

There are a few statues scattered around the rounds though.

One of the newer ones is a Bokefuji Kannon. prayed to for protection from dementia and Alzeimers, this is a new version of Kannon that is becoming very common. Typically the standing Kannon will have a small, elderly couple at its feet.

There is a large outdoor altar to Fudo Myoo, and in fact this was what I had come here for, while walking the Shikoku Fudo Myoo Pilgrimage.

The previous post was on the temple buildings and the temples history.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Hashikura Temple 4 Shikoku Fudo Myo Pilgrimage


While being temple number 4 on the Shikoku Fudo Myo Pilgrimage, Hashikura-ji is probably more well known for being temple 15 of the 20 "extra" bangai temples of the much more famous Shikoku Ohenro pilgrimage. However, it is also a temple of the Shikoku Kannon Pilgrimage, and the Awa Saigoku Pilgrimage.

It is located at 600 meters above sea level looking down on the Yoshino River valley that cuts right throiugh Tokushima.

The temple is accessible by a ropeway which offers a great view of the impressive Niomon gate on the way up.

The ropeway stops at the main level of the temple near the priests residence, and right next to it the Gomaden. Though it had been really sunny for a few days, it was late December and there was snow around the grounds.

According to the temple, Hashikiuraji has performed the goma ceremony twice a day, every day, since the temples founding.

It was founded by Kobo Daishi himself in 828 when he climbed the mountain. Hr had a vision of Konpira Daigongen and carved a statue of him.

Hashikiraji became the okunoin, or inner temple, of Konpira, the complex that since Meiji has been a Shinto Shrine.

Further along is a massive Bell Tower and the Heart Sutra Steps that lead up to the main hall.

With 278 steps, the same number of chracters in the Heart Sutra, when added to the steps from the Niomon up to this first level, in total the climb to the main hall has 769 steps.

This is just a little less than the 785 steps that lead up to the actual Konpira Shrine.

A major fire in 1769, and then another in 1826, destroyed almost all the buildings, so everything standing now dates back to the late Edo period.

It is a large complex with a lot to see, and relatively few visitors. There are a lot of nice carvings and statues and so I will do a post on them next.

The previous post in this series on day 5 of my walk along the Shikoku Fudo Myo Pilgrimage was on the interesting old house and museum across the river that documents the local tobacco industry.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Kumanohara Shrine Karatsu


Kumanohara Shrine is a small, but ancient shrine in what is now the Teramachi district of Karatsu in Saga.

According to the shrine legend it goes back to the mythical days of Jingu and her "invasion" of Korea.

While in this area, which at the time was pine forest, a great white light appeared and showed the direction for the sea journey to Korea, and so later some of her soldiers established Shiranui Shrine here.

Later, in the 7th century, the area was suffering an epidemic and so the locals prayed at the shrine for relief. 12 black birds with white breasts lined u in the trees at the shrine and emitted a white light, and from then on the epidemic subsided. The villagers were told the birds were messengers of the kami at Kumano and so the shrine was renamed Kumonohara.

The primary kami are therefore listed as Ketsumiko, Hayatama, and Fusumi, the three great kami of Kumano, otherwise known as Susano, Izanami, and Izanagi.

Also enshrined is Sarutahiko, Oyamatsumi, Ojin, and the spirit of Goro Kanda, a local ruler from the 8th Century. Within the grounds are an Awashima Shrine, and an Inari Shrine, which unusually has komainu rather than fox guardian statues

The previous post was on Daishoin the temple next door.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Genbudo Caves


The Genbudo Caves are not really caves, but are nonetheless intriguing geological phenomena.

They are cliffs of basalt formed into columns. In the Edo Period local people began quarrying it for buildimg materials and created the openings in the cliff face.

Created about 1.6 million years ago, following a volcanic eruption the magma cooled causing cracks forming polygonal columns.

Different sections of the exposed cliffs have named after mythical creatures, Genbu, Seiryu, Byakko, and Suizaku.

The area is a registered National Natural Monument.

The site is also part of the Sanin-Kaigan UNESCO Global Geopark.

Genbudo Park is located on the bank of the Maruyama River in northern Hyogo, a few kilometers south of Kinosaki Onsen.

It has its own JR station, but on the opposite bank of the river which necessitates a short ferry crossing. The park has a modern museum and cafe with its own entry fee.

The previous post in this series on attractions of the Toyooka area was on Mugiwara Zaiku, the local straw craft.